NIRI DFW is one of about 28 chapters of the National Investor Relations Institute representing and serving the public companies in North Texas.  It is one of the oldest and largest chapters in the country, representing about 100 public companies.  Founded in 1975, the chapter strives to bring together IR executives at every level to foster a culture of collaboration, mentoring and continued elevation of the IR function within companies.

NIRI DFW also coordinates with NIRI National to advocate in Washington D.C. on behalf of public companies and IR professionals to ensure that regulations and laws serve the highest good of public companies and their investors.  It has helped guide the SEC and other regulatory bodies on topics ranging from the fair disclosure of information, to pursuing prudent disclosure filing timelines for companies and activist shareholders.

NIRI DFW relies on engagement by senior IR practitioners in North Texas and the service providers and advisors prominent in our industry to maximize the value of membership in NIRI DFW.

The chapter’s board of directors encourages IR professionals of all levels to be active in the chapter, which entails attending meetings, contributing to a committee and participating in programs. Involvement begins with becoming a member of NIRI National and NIRI DFW, then contacting a member of the board to identify ways you can get involved.

Membership is open to IR professionals at every level, senior executives of companies who desire a deeper knowledge of the relationship between companies and their investors and other third-parties with a vested interest in the success of investor relations.

We encourage you to take advantage of the wealth of knowledge in our community and advance the practice of investor relations by becoming a member of NIRI DFW. You may also qualify for our NextGen program and become a member for a substantially discounted rate. NIRI DFW’s NextGen program is geared specifically to meet the needs of up and coming IR professionals who have been in IR for less than 5 years. Whether you’re embarking on your first role in IR after a stint in equity research, are in a rotational IR spot from finance or elsewhere in your company, or working as an IR consultant or service provider, we encourage you to take advantage of this program and jump start your IR knowledge by joining NIRI DFW.

If you are interested in membership information for NIRI, or are already a member and wish to join NIRI DFW, you may contact NIRI DFW’s Membership Chair, Blevin Brown, at Blevin.Brown@Veridiansp.com, or NIRI DFW’s President, Brook Wootton, at bwootton@AtHome.com. You can also apply to NIRI directly by clicking here