Founded in 1969, the National Investor Relations Institute (“NIRI”) is the professional association of corporate officers and investor relations (“IR”) consultants responsible for communication among corporate management, shareholders, securities analysts and other financial community constituents. The largest professional IR association in the world, NIRI’s more than 3,300 members represent over 1,600 publicly held companies and over $9 trillion in equity market capitalization.

Through its collaborative community, NIRI advances engagement in the capital markets and drives best practices in corporate disclosures, governance, and informed investing.
NIRI represents the field of IR by expressing views on legislation and proposed regulations by maintaining close relationships with the SEC, appropriate committees of Congress, NASDAQ, NYSE, securities industry associations and public policy institutions.

- IR Update monthly magazine provides in‐depth coverage of matters important to IR professionals
- IR Weekly electronic newsletter updates members on the latest IR related news and events
- Executive Alert releases impart breaking news on regulatory, compliance, and other timely issues
- NIRI.org is home to valuable content including publications and a comprehensive resource library containing applicable news on regulations, corporate governance and more
- Presentation and Report Library on topics including AGMs, social media, IPO processes and more
- Sample Document Library resources constitute templates, plans, and policies for use by IROs
- The Career Center is a key resource where members can search for and post job listings and resumes
- Educational programs include seminars and on‐demand coursework led by IR experts
- Member benefit webinars on current topics, archived and available online 24/7 at no cost to members
- IR Certification will validate job function knowledge through globally recognized certification standards
- The NIRI Annual Conference, the most comprehensive IR event, delivers quality education, renowned speakers, and great networking opportunities
- The NIRI Annual Southwest Regional Conference, co‐hosted by the NIRI DFW and NIRI Houston presents education and networking opportunities more geared to the Southwest region
Founded in 1975, is one of the oldest and largest chapters in the country representing more than 100 public companies with over 100 IR professionals and service providers.
Education and Programs
Available for all NIRI DFW members, including monthly meetings and timely educational seminars featuring experts on current issues affecting publicly traded companies and the IR profession.
NIRI DFW Networking Sessions and Happy Hours
Offered as a supplement to regularly scheduled NIRI meetings, offer participants the chance to catch up with peers, network and discuss relevant IR topics.
Members‐only forums enabling members to share ideas on IR issues and best practices.
Online Membership Directory
Provides members an easy way to connect by industry and location.
The NIRI Ethics Council
Provides confidential advice and recommendations to maintain high ethical standards within the IR community.

To join, individuals should access the membership application on NIRI National website at www.niri.org/membership. From that location, individuals may join NIRI National and NIRI DFW. You must be a member of NIRI National to be eligible for local chapter membership.
NIRI DFW dues entitle you to attend all NIRI DFW professional development events and NIRI DFW social events. Membership for the NIRI DFW chapter is $75 per year and includes valuable networking opportunities, access to job postings and a variety of educational and development resources such as senior roundtables and the Southwest Regional Conference. Members also get a discounted rate to attend monthly professional development meetings and happy hours.
NIRI DFW dues are payable to our national organization with your annual dues. NIRI National annual dues are $725. Both memberships must be renewed annually in order to maintain membership in good standing.

If you are interested in membership information for NIRI, or are already a member and wish to join NIRI DFW, you may contact NIRI DFW’s Director of Membership, Blevin Brown, at Blevin.Brown@Veridiansp.com, or NIRI DFW’s President, Brook Wootton, at BWootton@AtHome.com. You can also apply to NIRI directly by clicking here.